Product: Guanidineacetic-2,2-d2 Acid
Catalog Number: D2167
CAS Number: 1173020-63-7
100 mg =  $590   (In Stock) Add to Cart
Formula: C3D2H5N3O2
Enrichment: 98%D
Molecular Weight: 119.12
Structure: Guanidineacetic-2,2-d<sub>2</sub> Acid
Appearance: Solid
Category: Research Compounds
Stability: Stable under recommended storage conditions.

Keep container tightly closed in a dry and well-ventilated place. Hygroscopic


Non-hazardous for transport

Literature References:

 Borsook ME, Borsook H. Treatment of cardiac decompensation with betaine and glycocyamine. Ann West Med Surg., 1951, 5:830–55.

Applications: A labeled metabolite of glycine. A precursor of creatine. Used as a supplement. Causes homocysteine levels to rise, which produces cardiovascular and skeletal problems. Improves the symptoms of chronic heart disease without toxicity.